This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box .

Long case : 

 70 year old male who is a resident of Nalgonda who is survived with two kids caste to the casualty with complaints of : 

1. Weakness of right upper limb and lower limb since 6 months 

2. Slurring of speech since 6 months 

2006: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 25 years back then he observed right lower limb weakness for which he was given home remedies and was subsided by 2 months was able to go to work by 2months 

 2013 : Patient had met with an RTA and sustained fracture to his left femur and was operated in Hyderabad underwent internal fixation .

After 6 months from this incident , he couldn’t go to work due to his fracture , his sons and wife would go for farming , and he would be at home taking rest , he started walking using walker , one night he went to a function in the near by village ate non -veg and drank alcohol 90ml and came back home and complained left sided chest pain to his sons and wife at 3:00pm and near by practice right was called for check up where he told his bop shoot up to 200/100mmhg , he advised for immediate hospital admission , due to lack of transport they got him to the hospital after 6 hours , by then he developed right hemiparesis and complainted of slurring of speech with deviation of mouth . 

No History of Numbness, tingling.    *Nausea, vomiting, diarhhoea, *Involuntary movements,  * wasting/thinning ,   *Band like sensation    ,  * low back ache ,   *cotton wool sensation  *postural giddiness, palpitation, * seizure,    *Head trauma ,    *loss of perception of smell, *Blurring of vision/ double vision * loss of sensation over face , *Difficulty in chewing food, * Abnormality in taste sensation.


He wakes up at 5 am in the morning     goes to the farm and work there till 8am and come back to home and freshen up for 1 hour eat and go back to work and comes back by 4 pm 

His appetite was normal and takes mixed diet, sleep adequate, bowel and bladder movements were regular. 

General examination: 

Patient is conscious, non-coherent, co-operative ,oriented to person , moderately built and poorly nourished.   

Pallor - Negative , Icterus- negative, No cyanosis ,clubbing ,Lymphademopathy, pedal  edema.


    Bp: 140/90 mmhg

    Pr :80bpm regular normal volume in right supine position 

    spo2 :98%at room air

    Temp :97°F

    RR -18cpm

    Grbs -136gm/dl

   Cvs -s1 s2 heard,no murmurs

   Rs -bae +,nvbs heard

   P/a soft ,non-tender,

    bowels sound heard


    HMF- patient conscious, orientation is not elicited 

           Speech- motor aphasia(+) . 

          No h/o delusions, hallucinations. 

                  h/o emotion lability. 


cranial nerves:                     Right               left

1 st: smell                           Could be elicited  

2nd  :VA/colour-Vision:     Couldn’t be elicited 



                       pupil size.      N         N

                       DLR/CLR.      Couldn’t be elicited  

                     No ptosis, nystagmus : Couldn’t be elicited 

5th :

  sensory:     over face and buccal mucosa  :      Couldn’t be elicited              

  motor :          mastication movements  :             Couldn’t be elicited                 

  reflex :       corneal and conjunctival                            (+) 

                          Jaw jerk  (-). 



     Nasolabial                     Lost on the right side          Present on left side  

         Fold                                                                                prominent. 


          Facial mov.    Weakened          Normal 

          sensory:  Couldn’t be elicited 

 Secretomotor:     moistness of eye    +


  Tongue :  normal, buccal mucosa normal. 

8 the nerve:

       Rinnes : Couldn’t be elicited 

       Weber's: Couldn’t be elicited  


9and 10 th nerve: 

               uvula centrally placed and symmetrical, gag and palatal reflex present  

11 th nerve: 

   trapezieus :      Couldn’t be elicited 

 sternocleidomastoid :   Couldn’t be elicited 

12th nerve: 

         tongue tone normal, no wasting, no fibrillations,no deviation of tongue. 


                                                           Right.             Left

Bulk:                   Upper limb           Normal        Normal

                            Lower limb           Normal         Normal 


Tone:   Upper limb:               Hypotonia         Normal

            Lower limb :              Hypotonia         Normal

Power:    Upper limb :         0/5                 5/5

                Lower limb :         2/5                 5/5


  Superficial reflexes:

                                                    Right.           Left

Corneal-                                        (+)              (+) 

Conjunctival-                                (+)              (+)            

Abdominal-                                   (-)                (-) 

Plantar-                                  Decreased     Decreased


Muscle power : 

Upper limb : Couldn’t be elicited 

Lower limb : Couldn’t be elicited 

 Deep tendon reflexes :

                      Right.            Left

Biceps.          ++++             ++

Triceps.         ++++              ++

Supinator.     ++++              ++

Knee              ++++              ++     

Ankle.            ++++              -




 Not elicited due to motor aphasia. 


titubation - absent

Nystagmus- absent

Intensional tremors - absent


Pendular knee jerk : Couldn’t be elicited 

Dysdiadokinesia : Couldn’t be elicited 


Neck stiffness - negative

Kernigns sign - negative

Brudzinkis sign - negative


Acute ichaemic stroke with denovo RVD+



Hb-13.3 gm/dl

TLC- 9,200


PCV- #39.8




RBC COUNT-4.52 million/cu mm

PLATLETS COUNT- 3.24 lakhs/cu mm


BT- 2 MIN 30 SEC

CT - 4 MIN 30 SEC




Uric acid-5.0


Phosphorus -3.2

Na- 138

K- 3.5



Total bilirubin -#1.13 mg/dl


AST- #56


Alkaline phosphatase -#1053


RBS -#87 mg/dl


Acute ischemic stroke in parietal, temporal and frontal regions with RVD+

Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly.

Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly.

Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly.

Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly.

Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly.

Examination of other systems : 

Respiratory system : 
Trachea central in position. 
Bilaterally symmetrical chest and no abnormalities.
Auscultation - normal vesicular breath sounds heard in all lung feilds .

Cardiovascular system : 
No raised JVP 
Apex impulse 5th intercostal space 1 cm medial to midclavicular line.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs .

Gastrointestinal system : 
Abdomen is scaphoid .
Soft and non tender .
No organomegaly.



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